Is Delta a safe airline?


The US world leader in the fields of safety, creativity, efficiency and consumer awareness is Delta Air Lines. With its headquarters in Atlanta, Delta covers up to 200 million people worldwide and Travellers in more than 50 countries through a world-leading network of up to 300 destinations.

Although most customers have been at home since the COVID-19 pandemic started, a lot has changed at Delta to transform cleanliness and protection, so you feel more secure as you begin to travel. The Delta Care Standard requires layers of security throughout the travel journey to provide healthier surfaces, more space and safer service for passengers and employees.

Travel with a faith understanding that Delta will block middle seats until at least January 6, 2021, and use electrostatic high-touch spraying facilities using high-quality disinfectant every day. Y And you can breathe freely on the board recognizing that fresh air is refreshed by an industrial Filtration system every three to six minutes.

With improved hourly cleaning procedures, TSA will ensure that your bag and gifts move through checkpoints securely.

Delta has a rigorous testing programme for the employees for COVID-19 so that gate officer, luggage handlers, flight crews and many more can continue to support you safely and efficiently to take care of you. 

What is Delta Care Standard?

Delta has joined forces with Lysol, the disinfectant specialist, to develop the best cleanliness requirements 'for now and always.' The Delta Care Standard concentrates on preserving clean and disinfected surfaces, providing more room and personal care at all times of your travel.

It covers highly efficient security layers, including mid-seat blocks, onboard masks, a robust employee testing policy and a comprehensive cleaning system. 

Benefits of Delta Care Standard:

  • The highest standards of cleanliness
  • More space
  • Safer service

Building on expert medical guidance and customer reviews, Delta continually updates its best practices and develops the new quality of treatment. For any more queries you can always visit the Delta Airlines official website, or any assistance required regarding the booking of flight, contact Delta Airlines Reservations.

